Friday, April 6, 2012

Other humanity

The sensational discovery was made by archaeologists from the University of Jerusalem. Gesher Benot In the Valley of Yaakov, northern Israel, it was discovered the oldest human settlement. Parking is difficult, organized by the camp of hunter-gatherers, the whole territory is divided into parts, according to the type of works executed by ancient people. For example, in one part of the settlement women gathered nuts, and engaged in preparation of fish and small animals, on the other side were made of basalt tools, carried out in the third part of the sharpening tools, etc. Dr..

And now a sensation: it turned out that the behavior is completely analogous to the modern, the division of labor and the ability to organize space, was characteristic of ancient people is 750. 000 years ago! . Until now it was believed that the species Homo Sapience was formed and began to show signs of intelligent activity in the period 350. 000 - 50. 000 years ago. Now the former ideas must be declared insolvent.

However, scientists believe that found traces of this early socialization and reasonable right- of people belong to a completely different mind - right man - Homo Erectus. In other words, Homo Erectus - it proved an attempt to start the project of Nature ' humanity ' for a few hundred thousand years before our species Homo Sapience.

There is a possibility that it will soon be followed by other discoveries confirming the existence of a still earlier experiments, or even overturning all our ideas about the world and about themselves.
Assume for a moment that the linear story does not exist, and all the dinosaurs ' wild men ' and m. Dr.. - Just a series of fantasies in the inner reality of our brain.

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